

Many infants with milk allergy may outgrow it

A food intolerance of any kind has a big effect on a household, including grocery costs and quality of life.

Dining out with allergies is tough

Use these top 5 strategies to protect yourself.

1 in 12 U.S. kids has a food allergy

It's likely that those who have this issue in childhood will also have it in adulthood.

Climate change could change the sneezin’ season

Global prediction models predict the northward creep of ragweed.

Allergies go back to school

One child in 13—or about two in every classroom—has a food allergy. Follow these 4 tips to keep your kiddo safe.

Generic EpiPen gains doctors’ approval

Severe allergy sufferers can now get a lower-cost option with the newly approved product.

Kids with asthma need a flu shot

Children with influenza have a 37 percent higher chance of not responding to their breathing treatments.

Cow, soy or almond: which ‘milk’ is best for you?

Plant-based alternatives can play a role in our diets, but they are not nutritionally superior.

Don’t overlook OTC nasal sprays

Allergists say these inexpensive, widely available treatments are most often the best answer to seasonal allergies.

Many food allergies may develop in adulthood

Often seen as a condition that begins in childhood, 45 percent of people actually develop food allergies in adulthood.

Wheezing while working out?

Those with allergies or asthma should take note of these smart steps to stay safe when exercising.

Breast milk, the original brain food

It's not just baby who benefits—breastfeeding moms may enjoy better brain health, too.