

Patient Story

Miracle Marilyn

Perseverance played a lead role in a Michigan woman's recovery from a heart attack and COVID-19.

‘They acted so fast’

A retired Michigan grocer is alive today thanks to his wife's quick reaction and a speedy response from an expert stroke team.

Shake off the indoors

Even as COVID-19 surges, it's wise to head outdoors for walks and recreation—but heed the precautions.

Cholesterol 101: What you need to know

Underestimate the importance of diet, activity and family history at your own risk.

Prevent injury—embrace the pre-shovel prep

Just because the snow is falling doesn't mean you should start digging. A warm-up, the right attire and a sensible pace can keep you safe.

Burnout could trigger A-fib

People with the highest levels of exhaustion may be at increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat.

Tobacco and vaping? Double the trouble

As if they're not bad enough on their own, dual use of these pernicious products could vastly up your risk of stroke.

Sip your way to health

Generations of tea-drinkers attest to the natural benefits of the world’s second-favorite drink.

A top cardio plan: Get a canine

Compared to folks without pets, dog owners are ahead of the pack in healthy living—more exercise, better diets and lower blood sugar levels.

Artificially sweet? A genuine problem

A host of artificial sweeteners are linked to higher risk of heart troubles, stroke and dementia, researchers say.

Ready for your cardiorespiratory test?

There's plenty of focus on blood pressure and cholesterol, but consider evaluating the efficiency of your cardiorespiratory system.

Study: Active body shapes agile mind

An active lifestyle is a surefire way to help maintain a clear, healthy mind well into your later years.