

‘Keep it simple’

As kids enter their tween and teen years, take time for frequent, focused chats about substance abuse.

Stronger in 2021

Take steps now to give up smoking and other harmful habits.

Could promiscuity up cancer risk?

Having more sexual partners could increase your exposure to problematic viruses.

America’s alcohol binge intensifies

Adults ages 35 to 44 aren't consuming alcohol quite so often—but when they do, they're overdoing it.

Dear Santa: Spare me the stress

Keep your family engagements limited and don't overspend on shopping.

Lore of the snore

Age-old myths about sleep habits have led some to believe they can get by on just five hours of shut-eye each night.

Older adults, not teens, more likely to die from alcohol poisoning

New research on binge drinking finds men most at risk.

Adding pennies per drink may counter alcohol’s toll

Study explores five cost-effective strategies for reducing alcohol-related deaths.

A toast? Aim for a single dose

Alcoholic beverages can have a place in holiday festivities without destroying diets. Just remember these 5 tips from a doctor who knows.

Escape without the weight

You do all that work to get trim and feel good for your vacation—don't throw it away by overindulging.

Booze, wine or beer?

Research shows certain types of drinks can affect mood differently—and people often pick their poison based on the feeling it produces.

Even light drinking may raise your cancer risk

Maybe you should skip that glass of wine tonight, because any amount of imbibing appears to have a negative effect.