

The power of purpose

Those who find true meaning in their life are more likely to enjoy physical and emotional well-being.

Patient Story

Double the love

Best friends have babies the same morning in the same hospital.

Do emotions steer your eating?

Some candid questions can help you understand food choices—and whether you have a bigger problem than you realize.

Bounce back from your setback

Long-lingering grudges weighing you down? It may be time for a candid but kind self-evaluation—and a bit of forgiveness.

The enduring power of a snuggle

The old adage is just as true now as ever: Sex really is the spice of life.

Man’s best friend, meet mom’s new baby

Lay the groundwork ahead of time and your family dog will adjust to your infant without any problems.

Have a healthy holiday season

These tips will help you keep germs at bay.