

More green space = a healthier heart

Neighborhoods with more vegetation tend to have lower levels of stress.

Lamenting the noisy neighbor

Chronic noise exposure can lead to threefold risk of heart attack, stroke or some other major cardiovascular event.

Confused about heart disease and menopause?

This physician shares how to determine when your symptoms require a full evaluation.

The vital victual of Valentine’s

Aiming for good health and happiness in this season of love? A bit of dark chocolate deserves a spot in your snack bag.

The cutest cantaloupe

Your little bundle will undergo monumental changes in the second trimester—and if all goes well, you'll be feeling on top of the world.

Watch your miracle grow

The little person inside your womb will make tremendous growth strides throughout the first trimester.

Ladies, let’s talk about your heart

Cardiovascular disease can sneak up on women, so here's what you need to know about how to combat it.

Salve for an ailing heart: Tai chi

The simple, pain-free movements in this Chinese tradition may be exactly what heart attack survivors need to reclaim their health.

Special post for moms headed home

Moms need to know what signs and symptoms to watch for after their baby has been delivered.

Family history of heart disease?

An active lifestyle and a proper diet will always be your best defense against genetics.

Study: More young adults need statins

Younger patients are less likely to get a prescription, even when their cholesterol levels rise too high.

Smartphone’s next life: Heartphone?

Using readily available tech to track a person's physical activity is cheaper and more reliable that conventional methods.