

Good news: U.S. cancer survivors are living longer

Not-so-good news: The likelihood of other chronic conditions will stress health care system in the next two decades.

Americans living longer and better

Improvements in heart and vision care are likely behind the progress.

Devout women may enjoy better health

They were one-third less likely to die over 20-year period.

Stay lean, live longer

Researchers found slimmest people had lowest chances of dying within 15 years.

Ibuprofen, the Fountain of Youth?

Only if you’re a worm, a fly or a strand of yeast. But researchers do hope to learn more about drug’s effect on human longevity.

Want longevity? Find your purpose in life

Those who felt useful to others were 20 percent less likely to die.

Mortal combat

Genetics ensure women live longer, but men can narrow the gap.

Get spicy to live longer

Eating super hot foods helps your health—in all kinds of surprising ways.

Face scans show how fast a person is aging

Images are more reliable than blood tests in determining the toll of time.

A sense of purpose may benefit your brain

Seniors with a positive mental state are less likely to have cerebral tissue damage.

A sense of purpose may help your heart

Study finds physical rewards in meaningful activity.

More Americans surviving cancer today than 20 years ago

Study shows biggest improvements in people diagnosed between ages 50 and 64.