

AI for your ears

Scientists are closer than ever to developing a smart hearing aid that separates desired sounds from undesirable background noise.

Young adults see rise in colon cancer

The sizable jump in cases among age 50 and younger is a worldwide trend arising partly from poor diet.

FDA amps sleeping pill scrutiny

Popular medications such as Ambien and Lunesta are destined for tougher warning labels.

Drink up, kiddos

Consumer culture gives children plenty of delicious options—but water is the one drink they'll always need.

Smells like success

Zinc oxide, a compound typically used for hospital wound care, may find new life as an active ingredient in deodorant.

Brush teeth, save brain?

Speculative research is probing a possible link between gum disease and Alzheimer's.

Want happiness? Spread kindness

Your kindergarten teacher had it right—if you want to bring cheer and goodness into your life, you should first deliver the joy to others.

Gone fishing

Antibiotic researchers are diving into the deep blue as they search for a new weapon against drug-resistant superbugs: fish mucus.

Relapse-fighting MS drug gains FDA approval

The new treatment, Mavenclad, is recommended for patients who have seen less success with other MS medications.

Growing threat for vets: Heart disease

A long-running CDC analysis has found veterans ages 35 to 70 suffer cardiovascular conditions at a greater rate than non-veterans.

Creeping threat: Kratom

Reports of poisoning from this unregulated herbal substance have jumped 50-fold in the past six years.

The advantage to intensity

All levels of fitness are valuable, but higher-intensity workouts will inevitably lead to superior physical condition.