

New babies—made for the shade

Fresh air and sunshine are great for older kids, but newborns should be kept under cover.

Don’t be deceived by skin-care labels

Terms like 'hypoallergenic' and 'fragrance-free' may not mean what you think they do.

Reclaim your glow, safely

The right steps for exfoliation can work wonders for your skin, but the wrong steps only create more problems.

The wearable doctor

Researchers develop a small, wearable acoustic device that can listen in on the heart, digestive system and lungs.

Researchers identify more vitiligo genes

Findings suggest promising areas for future study of this condition, which causes patches of white skin and hair.

Mercury in your makeup? Toss it

Cosmetics labeled "anti-aging" or "skin lightening" may contain mercury, according to the FDA.

Healthy skin germs stay put, despite cleaning

Findings suggest your 'microbial fingerprint' is important to well-being.