

The gray days of quarantine

Thinking about a DIY dye job? Learn to spot the difference between simple and severe allergic reactions.

The trouble with salt

Too much sodium reduces thirst, which causes overeating, weight gain and a variety of ailments.

The plight of the typist

Repetitive strain injury can beleaguer office workers and others who repeat the same movements each day. Learn how to stop it before it becomes a bigger problem.

Preeclampsia? Be proactive

Your obstetrician will keep a close eye on your blood pressure during your pregnancy—but there are other signs you can watch for on your own.

4 percent of Americans suffer from food allergies

Most common allergy is to shellfish, but peanuts also pose big threat.

Why is my knee still swollen 8 weeks after surgery?

This question is asked by many patients and may be applied to many joints such as ankles, hands, and elbows for the weeks following the initial injury or surgical intervention.