
type 2 diabetes

Study links arthritis to other diseases

People with inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes or blood clots may be more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

Diabetes—deadlier for women?

Researchers are trying to understand the connection between the condition and coronary heart disease in women.

Want better health? Shun fad diets and supplements

Whole foods and a Mediterranean-style diet are the ideal nutritional strategies to combat disease and achieve optimum health.

Is it time to scrutinize sweeteners?

Pediatrics group calls for more research into artificial sweeteners and their effect on children's health.

Sleep apnea linked to blindness risk?

Study: Severe cases of the sleeping disorder are associated with a diabetic eye disease that may lead to vision loss.

Bust diabetes with moderate weight loss

Trimming just 10 percent from your overall weight can drastically improve your odds of better managing your insulin levels.

Patient Story

Stroke rate keeps falling

Researchers are trying to understand the precise mix of factors that contribute to improved health outcomes.

Battling diabetes? Stabilize your sugar

Sizable shifts in glucose levels can hint at underlying problems in diabetes management. Over time, this leads to bigger complications.

Patient Story

‘Whatever I have to do, I’ll do it’

Diabetes diagnosis motivates Nikki Moon to change her lifestyle.

Low blood sugar can be a concern, too

People with diabetes have to watch both sides of that all-important number—when it's too high, and when it's too low.

Salt and processed meats—the deadly duo

Cutting these two items from your diet could be your first step in warding off heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Get the dish on aging well

The Mediterranean diet may hold the key to symptom management in midlife and beyond.