

Vacation on the horizon? Plan ahead

Pack a kit for hygiene and first aid—and know about guidelines and restrictions before you go.

It’s all in the gut

A healthy microbiome is the foundation for building wellness.

The safer summer social

Planning a visit with family and friends? A few precautions can lower your exposure to viruses.

Guard against loneliness

If you’re feeling isolated or know someone who is, take steps to connect.

Could promiscuity up cancer risk?

Having more sexual partners could increase your exposure to problematic viruses.

Is your gym a giant petri dish?

Handlebars, stationary bikes and other high-contact surfaces offer ample ground for the growth of germs, viruses and fungus.

Rise of the urban tick

Biologists are finding an abundance of ticks with Lyme disease far beyond wooded country trails—they're popping up in your city parks.

Gone fishing

Antibiotic researchers are diving into the deep blue as they search for a new weapon against drug-resistant superbugs: fish mucus.

Beware the ball pit

Scientists took a few samples from these colorful play areas and tested them in a lab. The conclusion: Well, read on.

We’re all Pig-Pens

We all trail a personal cloud of bacteria, viruses, fungi, plant particles, chemicals and even microscopic animals.

Sound the mosquito alarm

Two disease-carrying species could thrive in three-quarters of the United States.

Headed to the pool? Protect yourself

Bacteria and viruses can make you sick if you don't take precautions.