
May 2015

Tread carefully

7 things you can do to prevent treadmill injuries

Mute your phone, mom-to-be

The sounds emitted by cellphones carried by pregnant women disturb babies-to-be.

El chocolate puede volverse más saludable

Estudio revela que cambios en el procesamiento de los granos de cacao resulta en un mejor sabor y más antioxidantes.

Patient Story

Scared of skin cancer?

Don’t put off getting your moles checked, cautions Audra Brummel, a 27-year-old melanoma patient.

Whooping cough booster loses oomph

Research reveals that a booster shot of the whooping cough vaccine given to preteens loses a large measure of effectiveness within a few years.

Sleepwalking parents likely to have sleepwalking kids

Research indicates that more than 60 percent of children with two sleepwalking parents go on to develop the condition themselves.

Skip ‘screen time’

Promoting fitness during childhood creates a lifetime of health and wellness.

Got gut problems? Help is on the way

New recommendations for irritable bowel syndrome may offer relief for sufferers (and those around them).

New hope for advanced lung cancers

Two experimental medications target mutation that fuels treatment resistance.

Jennifer Lopez asks people to support miracles

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals campaign to bring awareness to why children’s hospitals need donations.

Patient Story

Harmonizing hope

Music therapists, with an assist from the Grand Rapids Symphony, help cancer patients reduce pain and anxiety.

2-minute walks offset effects of sitting

Short bouts of light activity seem to boost longevity.