
June 2015

Trying to prevent back labor?

Here's what you need to know about turning your baby—and potentially birth experience—around.

411 on SPF, UV-A and UV-B

Many consumers don't understand sunscreen labels and what an SPF value really means.

Patient Story

Pediatric research saves lives

A surprise reunion between doctor and patient provides an affirming moment.

U.S. birth rate records first rise in 7 years

CDC report also finds teen birth rate at lowest level ever.

Food industry to halt use of artificial trans fats

Agency gives manufacturers three years to remove artificial trans fats from all foods sold to Americans.

Do you GU? If you’re a runner, maybe you should

A sports gel with the consistency of frosting has become the go-to supplement for marathon runners, athletes and weekend warriors.

U.S. men with depression and anxiety often go untreated

Close to one in 10 American men suffers from depression or anxiety, but fewer than half get treatment.

No more needle sticks?

Explore the coming revolution in blood sugar monitoring, from skin sensors to contact lenses.

Exercise, games, puzzles don’t prevent signs of Alzheimer’s

Mental and physical activity may keep your mind healthy in other ways.

No losing this Wait

Spectrum Health volunteer Dave Wait helps visitors find their way around the downtown campus.

Protein keeps older adult muscles strong

Both animal and plant sources of are important for a protein-rich diet.

Is your office chair trying to kill you?

Try these 4 ways to make your workplace furniture ‘work’ for you.