
Guest Author

Posts from Guest Author

Fish oil—the male fertility pill?

For men, omega-3 fatty acids might contribute to reproductive improvements and higher testosterone levels.

98.6? That’s so 1800s

For the past 200 years, men and women's body temps have been slowly declining.

Tobacco and vaping? Double the trouble

As if they're not bad enough on their own, dual use of these pernicious products could vastly up your risk of stroke.

Can TV boost your kid’s food smarts?

Cooking shows that feature healthy recipes might boost a child's nutrition knowledge and encourage healthy eating.

New Year, new rules

If it’s healthy eating you’re after, these helpful tips can put you on the right track—and keep you there.

‘T’ therapy isn’t always the answer

It can remedy sexual dysfunction, but there's no solid evidence testosterone supplements will reverse fatigue, memory decline or other rigors of aging.

New drug targets heart attack scars

In animal tests, the experimental medicine helped lessen the effects of scarring and promoted the formation of new blood vessels.

E-scooter injuries on the rise

As the tool's popularity has exploded, droves of young people—largely men, ages 18 to 34—are experiencing head injuries and bone fractures.

Invest in middle age, reap in old age

If you want to gain quality years, adopt a low-risk lifestyle that embraces exercise and good nutrition—and shuns smoking and alcohol.

The danger of a sleepless night

Lack of sleep may prevent the brain from purging tau protein, which forms lingering tangles linked to Alzheimer's.

Smog—bad to the bones

Breathing polluted air causes oxidative stress and inflammation, which could lead to loss of bone mass.

Core-strengthening goals? Have a ball

Put your abdominal muscles into overdrive by pairing a stability ball with some common floor exercises.