
Samantha Kauffman

Samantha Kauffman, RNC, is the perinatal education coordinator at Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial. She holds an extra certification in OB nursing, is a certified childbirth educator, a certified mother-friendly nurse, Rebozo certified, and a hypnobirthing practioner. She enjoys working with new parents or parents adding to their family. Samantha and her husband have been married for 32 years. Both grew up in Newaygo County and they have six children, four grandsons, and one granddaughter. Samantha enjoys working in her community and with the OB providers at Gerber Memorial to share how awesome childbirth and children are. She also enjoys scrapbooking, sewing, reading, and biking.

Posts from Samantha Kauffman

Patient Story

When the going gets tough

Breastfeeding is natural, so it ought to be easy ... right?

Practicing for labor … is that what this is?

Also known as Braxton Hicks, these contractions are sometimes hard to distinguish from the real thing.

Patient Story

Tandem what?

When breastfeeding, a 2-year-old and a newborn can live in harmony.

10 ‘not-so-fun’ things about pregnancy

Most of us have been warned about morning sickness, but there are plenty of other troublesome conditions you should be ready for.

Dad in the delivery room

Whether you're a dad who's excited about labor and delivery, or you're simply wondering if you can handle it all, there's a role for you.

What’s my heart have to do with it?

Pregnancy can lead to all sorts of cardiac changes, some you'd never expect.

Seeding my baby? What’s that about?

Microbiomes passed along to your baby at birth are critical in strengthening long-term health and immunity.

Labor is no laughing matter—or is it?

A look at how this throw-back option for pain management in labor is now back in vogue.

Thinking about having a baby?

This may be the time to talk to your man about his sperm quality and quantity.

To bathe or not to bathe?

Parents have great reasons for delaying their newborn's first bath.

Should I be induced? Why not?

Getting induced at the end of your pregnancy is medically necessary sometimes, but these tips explain when induction is not necessary.

Ways to soothe your crying baby

All babies cry, but some cry more than others. Learn how to soothe that fussiness.