Living with Chronic Conditions

Millions of us suffer from chronic illnesses, from asthma and diabetes to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic illnesses are persistent and long lasting. Our experts—including those with chronic conditions—offer tips, treatments and advice to ease the burden.

In kids with MS, diet has outsized role

Saturated fats from certain foods can cause inflammation that leads to a relapse of MS in younger patients, new research shows.

Study uncovers celiac-diabetes link

Children with Type 1 diabetes may face triple the risk of developing autoantibodies that can lead to celiac disease.

Patient Story

New study scrutinizes birth defects

Michigan family hopes their participation in long-term, international research will shed light on their young daughter's medical troubles.

Patient Story

‘It makes me proud’

Fifteen artists who suffered traumatic brain injuries showcase their artwork.

Migraine? Know your triggers

When one strikes, you should have a log handy to write down possible causes such as food, environment and sleep disruptions.

Patient Story

Fighting a fistula

Dan Smith isn't shy about sharing his deep-rooted belief about colonoscopies—you need them. Regularly.

Making Halloween a treat for kids with diabetes

Start by setting the same rules for everyone in the family.

Patient Story

‘Feeling blessed that I’m here’

As a patient recovers from a life-threatening brain infection, a doctor reminds residents, 'West Nile virus is in our backyard.'

The benefits of ‘being in the present’

Explore these 5 ways to practice mindfulness.

One hour away: A happier you

Any type of physical activity—even walking—results in similar levels of mental health benefits.

Study suggests: Bad air, bad kidneys

Years-long look at military veterans finds link between air pollution and kidney damage, with tens of thousands of new cases every year.

Patient Story

Doctors schooled in nutrition

Medical residents cook up lessons―and sample the results―in a new Culinary Medicine program.