Digestive Health & Disorders

Digestion is a fascinating and complex process. Knowing the ins and outs of your digestive system can help you better understand what to eat (and what to avoid) to maintain digestive health, as well as what to do when something goes wrong.

Patient Story

An unwelcome ‘pop’

Surgery to repair a prolapsed bladder puts active Northern Michigan 60-year-old back on the road to adventure.

Lose fast, lose slow

Researchers say the rate at which you shed pounds may matter little—your body will reap the rewards either way.

Patient Story

‘I was going every hour on the hour’

Mary Matzen has dealt with an overactive bladder all her life. With nerve stimulation treatment, she finally found relief from those incessant bathroom visits.

BMI, meet DNA

New research buttresses the understanding that genetics plays an outsized role in determining a person's success with weight loss.

Power of the sweet potato

This superfood is a weapon against weight gain, belly fat and diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory foods are your friends

A proper diet and regular exercise are the surest ways to reduce your risks for cancer and chronic diseases.

The burdens of bread

In an increasingly gluten-sensitive, carb-conscious world, bread is getting a tough rap—and it's not often warranted.

The downside to yo-yo diets

Losing and regaining weight isn’t just demoralizing, it’s dangerous. There are better options for you.


What makes a healthy run?

Training tips, fueling your run and cool down stretches to get you back in the game.

Patient Story

‘Full of beauty’

It took a team of specialists to deliver Willow safely. At 4 days, she underwent surgery. Through everything, her parents see God’s blessings.

Rebuff breaded, fried

In the kitchen, method matters. Even the healthiest foods can lose their nutritional appeal when poorly prepared.

Patient Story

‘Back up on the growth curve’

When his weight plateaued, baby Connor got eating and drinking assistance from a speech pathologist.