General Health & Wellness

It’s what we all seek, and it seems like everyone has an opinion about how to get there. We’ll help you cut through the clutter with expert insights to help you manage your family’s health and wellness needs.

Dear Santa: Spare me the stress

Keep your family engagements limited and don't overspend on shopping.

Welcome to your workout

Whether you're starting up or starting over, these 10 tips can kickstart your new fitness routine.

Are you a caregiver? Take care of yourself, too

More than 34 million Americans provide unpaid care to an older adult. These caregivers need support, experts say.

A cure for kitty—and caretaker?

A new vaccine for cats could one day help humans who suffer from feline allergies.

Patient Story

‘I managed to dodge a big, big bullet’

In defeating Guillain-Barré syndrome, a drywall finisher reclaims his good health—and recovers a long-absent sense of smell.

‘You’ve got a friend in me’

Woody, Buzz Lightyear and Forky delight the crowd at the 28th annual holiday play.

Dieting? Spurn the don’ts, embrace the do’s

Find ways to love the foods you're allowed to eat. You might forget all about the forbidden foods.

The brain: Amazingly resilient

Patients recovered most of their function after pediatric epilepsy surgery, which entailed removal or severing up to half the brain.

Social? Go for quality—not quantity

A new study suggests older adults gain much well-being from their small number of social connections.

Sip your way to health

Generations of tea-drinkers attest to the natural benefits of the world’s second-favorite drink.

Ultrasound could ease hand tremors

MRI-guided ultrasound waves can heat and destroy tiny areas of brain tissue that trigger tremors.

Lift today, enjoy a healthy heart tomorrow

Middle-aged men who maintain muscle mass may lower their risk of heart disease in later years.