Big Rapids Hospital is an acute care hospital providing advanced birthing, rehabilitation, and inpatient and outpatient services, including cardiopulmonary services and rehab, emergency department, lab, imaging and surgical services. The hospital also includes Spectrum Health Big Rapids Physicians, a multispecialty practice.

Reed City Hospital offers a wide variety of services including cancer care, a Rehab and Nursing Center, outpatient services, family practice locations in Reed City, Tustin and Evart, diabetes education and more. We recently opened the Susan P. Wheatlake Regional Cancer Center bringing state-of-the-art technology together under one roof.

Posts for Big Rapids & Reed City Hospitals

Running with dad

Father-daughter duo aims to compete in the Wheatlake Festival of Races every year.

Big opportunities for local care

Dr. Thomas Wright “cross-pollinates” the talents at both Big Rapids and Reed City hospitals and helps train the next generation of physician leaders.

Growing in all the right ways

'I really like that Spectrum Health embraces the community and opens their arms to business.'

Gaining wisdom through service

In nurturing bonds with patients, aspiring professionals gain new perspectives.

A life devoted to care

'Today is another glorious day to serve.'

Five decades of medicine

Approaching retirement, Dr. George Pusczak reflects on a lengthy career.

Making a difference close to home

'There are opportunities to get to know people as more than just a number.'

Patient Story

Life after death

Joey Hirl passed through death's door, then turned around. His doctor and family consider it nothing short of a miracle.

A legacy of care

The Battles treat everyone who walks through the hospital doors as part of their family.

Patient Story

‘I didn’t know they were dangerous’

Five members of the Cool family get diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysms.