Lungs, Breathing & Sleep

Health problems that affect breathing or sleep can lead to fatigue and lethargy that disrupt your daily routine. Understand your lungs and respiratory system—and what you can do to help yourself.

Patient Story

An early catch

A patient’s girlfriend helped create the screening program that later played a key role in saving his life.

Berries and grapes may keep you breathin’ easy

In many ways, fruits and vegetables are a natural prescription for optimal health.

Patient Story

‘We were lucky’

How a medical resident with a knack for forming relationships helped a "tough guy" welder battle pulmonary embolism.

Smoke-free laws do seem to help young adults’ hearts

Tobacco-free policies in workplaces, in particular, may be a promising approach to preventing premature cardiovascular disease.

Sleep-deprived kids at risk

Study: Getting less sleep may equate to a 58 percent increased chance of becoming overweight or obese.

Turning ‘a disability into an ability’

A young Michigan woman overcomes a devastating respiratory condition to become an acclaimed flutist.

Meditation: different approaches, benefits

What can be gained from various popular approaches?

Patient Story

‘Lucky girl’

Twelve-year-old Skylar Darga battles cystic fibrosis and embraces life with gusto.

New drugs may be big advance in lung cancer care

A combination approach marks improvement in response, progression-free survival and overall survival in lung cancer patients.

Hearing loss joins long list of smoking harms

The habit is not only bad for the lungs and heart, it can also damage your ears.

Fighting a cold or flu? Beware of overdosing

The risk is great as people take over-the-counter medications designed to treat multiple symptoms.

Poor sleep may heighten Alzheimer’s risk

Chronically disturbed sleep may facilitate the development of Alzheimer's disease or accelerate its progression.