Patient Stories

Share your story

Do you have a story you'd like to share about your experience as a patient at Spectrum Health?

Patient Story

‘They knew what worked’

After a fall from a 16-foot ladder, physical therapy is helping Carl Prowant get his elbow back into commission.

Patient Story

Early diagnosis, positive prognosis

A bout of itching prompted Terry Beck to seek treatment for a suspected skin condition, setting him quickly on the path to cancer recovery.

Patient Story

‘Nothing short of a miracle’

Medical teams from two hospitals work through the night to save the lives of a mother and her newborn child.

Patient Story

‘She was near death’

Charlotte Drinkall almost died on a family vacation. After being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, her life completely changed.

Patient Story

Incredible superheroes save Santa

Kids roar with excitement as their doctors, nurses and caregivers take to the stage in dance and song.

Patient Story

‘I just love what I do’

A longtime OB-GYN has built a legacy that spans generations for families in West Michigan and beyond.

Patient Story

‘They really bent over backwards to help me’

When wrist pain afflicted 97-year-old World War II veteran Norius Crisan, he found quick relief.

Patient Story

‘It’s so preventable’

Eloise Flach’s mom wants to raise awareness of CMV, a common virus that causes 30,000 birth defects every year.

Patient Story

‘I want it gone’

After being diagnosed with two separate cancers within days of each other, Bob Bustance made funeral arrangements. Today, he's back to work and enjoying life.

Patient Story

‘It’s a mystery’

Little Kaleb Rietema is full of surprises. It began on day 1, when he defied the best-laid plans for his birth.

Patient Story

‘Will you marry me?’

Told she doesn’t have much time to live, Rhonda White sees two wishes fulfilled in a tearful, joyful double wedding ceremony.

Patient Story

22 pounds of love

Cricket, a therapy cat, brings happiness and wholeness to hospice patients.