Pregnancy & Childbirth

Childbirth World

Helping new parents learn about pregnancy, birthing, breastfeeding, nutrition and more.

To bathe or not to bathe?

Parents have great reasons for delaying their newborn's first bath.

Should I be induced? Why not?

Getting induced at the end of your pregnancy is medically necessary sometimes, but these tips explain when induction is not necessary.

Ways to soothe your crying baby

All babies cry, but some cry more than others. Learn how to soothe that fussiness.

What’s causing my swollen leg?

A blood clot during pregnancy can manifest itself in telltale ways.

Through the eyes of an OB doctor

Dr. Bayne tells us about her experiences helping deliver babies and keeping women healthy.

Pregnant? There’s an app for that

A new pregnancy app, Coffective, provides helpful resources to expectant moms.

The tiniest patients of all

Does a few weeks really make a difference for a baby? You betcha.

Patient Story

Veralyn’s story

A mom-to-be talks about her diagnosis: Deep vein thrombosis.

Patient Story

35 weeks and my water broke

A mom shares the birth story of her preemie son, who was born five weeks early.

New baby? Make skin-to-skin time for dad

We know it's good for mom, but there are plenty of reasons why dad should give it a try, too.

Ow, my side hurts!

Ever felt that achy or stabbing pain in your side during pregnancy? It may be round ligament pain.

Babies sometimes don’t wait

Check out these 13 things you need to know (and do) if your little one arrives more quickly than expected.