

Study: More young adults need statins

Younger patients are less likely to get a prescription, even when their cholesterol levels rise too high.

2 signs there’s a heart attack in your future

Heeding these warnings could save your life or the life of a loved one.

Study: Focus on lifestyle, then HDL

Researchers say cholesterol levels are markers of other things—such as poorer health.

Diabetes, meet thy foe

Prevention programs are shown to be effective tools in the war against this chronic ailment.

Don’t throw out your statins

Cardiologist questions study claiming “bad” cholesterol doesn’t affect mortality in older adults.

Pancreatitis by way of gallstones?

Study also shows statins can increase risk of pancreatitis.

Daytime sleepiness, long naps linked to heart risks

People who nap more than one hour a day are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Stroke: Know your risk, improve your odds

Avoiding or surviving a stroke is all about what you do now.

Guard your heart

Use these 6 healthy diet and lifestyle moves to keep your ticker happy.

Get spicy to live longer

Eating super hot foods helps your health—in all kinds of surprising ways.

Patient Story

Win with wellness

Scott Smith discusses how a health program led to winning results.

Why avocados are magical

New study claims the green fruit is a 'bad cholesterol' buster.