

Breastfeeding troubles?

Some moms have used cabbage leaves and potatoes to soothe mastitis and plugged ducts.

Twice and thrice the fun

More parents are having twins and triplets—and they'll need an effective strategy to handle it all.

Natural childbirth: Right for you?

A non-medicated birth plan is possible—you

The power of positive thinking

5 ways your mind can help you conquer the pains of labor.

Ever heard of placental encapsulation?

More and more women are opting to use their placenta after giving birth.

Stage 1, Phase 3: The great transition

This part of labor is sometimes a doozy—but you can get through it with some preparation.

Adding a new baby to your family?

Some easy-to-remember tips can help everyone—you, your husband and your kids—prepare for the new addition.

A handy word for labor and delivery

There's a lot to know as you prepare, but one word in particular stands out against the rest: Flexibility.

Goodbye, Sandman?

Don’t worry just yet. There are plenty of things you can do to prepare your baby for bedtime.

Something fishy this way comes

That creature from the deep isn’t all bad, nor is it all good. As with most things, moderation is key.

To swaddle or not to swaddle?

There's a right way and a wrong way. Here's what the experts say.

Yoga in pregnancy? For sure

If you'd like to feel more relaxed every day, yoga might be what you're looking for.