
high blood pressure

Are your meds robbing you of nutrients?

If you take drugs for high blood pressure, diabetes or reflux, you owe it to yourself to read this.

Big swings in blood pressure spell trouble

Wide fluctuations between doctor visits tied to raised odds of heart disease or early death.

Blood pressure vaccine shows promise

Experimental treatment might benefit people who forget to take meds.

One-third of Americans have dangerous mix of heart risk factors

Metabolic syndrome, which includes high blood pressure and obesity, increases with age.

Pay attention to prehypertension

High blood pressure is easier to avoid if caught in the early stages.

Very obese kids face more heart risks than thought

High cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure problems plague these children.

Study: Insomnia linked to high blood pressure

Hyper-arousal of true insomniacs could be the cause of the chronic condition.