

Check early, check often

For men, regular screening and early detection are essential in battling the top three cancers.

Building a game plan

For women at midlife, commitment to a healthy lifestyle is an essential component of physical, sexual and mental well-being.

Study: Women less likely to receive CPR

Woefully inaccurate notions about women may explain why some folks are prone to inaction when an ailing woman needs lifesaving chest compressions.

Breast cancer genes a real risk for men, too

If a male has a BRCA mutation, their risk increases 100-fold.

The scales of (in)justice?

While men are predisposed to lose weight faster and easier, women can still see formidable results with the right lifestyle.

More than just a nightly nuisance?

Frequent trips to the bathroom could indicate bigger problems for men 50 and older.

Study: For men, fertility depends on sleep

The trick is to get it just right—not too much, not too little.

Dad in the delivery room

Whether you're a dad who's excited about labor and delivery, or you're simply wondering if you can handle it all, there's a role for you.

U.S. men with depression and anxiety often go untreated

Close to one in 10 American men suffers from depression or anxiety, but fewer than half get treatment.