

To swaddle or not to swaddle?

There's a right way and a wrong way. Here's what the experts say.

Yoga in pregnancy? For sure

If you'd like to feel more relaxed every day, yoga might be what you're looking for.

Expecting? Make every bite count

Eating the right stuff is good for you—and it's essential to the proper development of the baby inside you.

Patient Story

Should Zika fears change your honeymoon destination?

A fetal medicine specialist answers questions from brides worried about traveling to areas where the mosquito-borne virus has surfaced.

Every baby’s 9 steps into this new world

Crying, resting, bobbing and more—all newborns will go through these stages immediately after birth.

Folic acid now added to corn masa flour

FDA says fortification can reduce risk of certain birth defects in Hispanic population.

Pregnancy, the true stress test

A little knowledge about your family history can make those 10 months much more rewarding.

When is this baby going to be born?

Watch for these 7 signs to know when labor is nigh.

Patient Story

When the going gets tough

Breastfeeding is natural, so it ought to be easy ... right?

Folic acid for moms-to-be not as effective as thought

Women should still take the B vitamin before and during pregnancy.

Practicing for labor … is that what this is?

Also known as Braxton Hicks, these contractions are sometimes hard to distinguish from the real thing.

Baby’s immune system might hint at autism risk

Certain 'markers' in newborn blood samples seemed to predict future cases.