

Patient Story

A prescription for gratitude

Less than a year after surgery to fix a rare brain abnormality, pharmacist Elena Beaman is reclaiming normalcy.

Varicose veins may herald clot risk

The presence of the tangled blue veins may be more than a cosmetic question—it could indicate a quintupled risk of deep venous thrombosis.

Rely on fish oil for improved cardiovascular health?

You may want to think again. Study finds no significant benefit of oil in preventing death from heart disease, heart attacks or stroke.

Patient Story

Beat the clock, reverse the stroke

A timely call to 911 and easy access to advanced stroke treatment aided 37-year-old Tramell Louis Jr.’s full recovery.

Patient Story

‘She was in God’s hands’

Quick thinking and medical care got stroke patient Edith Vis back to the good things in life.

Quit smoking—for good

Make a plan today for a better tomorrow.

Spacing out? There’s a reason

When you starve your body of quality sleep, you're robbing brain cells of the ability to function properly.

Patient Story

‘Take your sweet old time’

One out of four Americans fall every year. Use these 6 tips to help yourself (or others) avoid accidents.

Undiagnosed heart condition ‘AFib’ may be common

Continuous long-term monitoring led to diagnosis in 1 out of 3 high-risk adults.

10 factors to predict bleeding risk in stroke survivors

New method may aid doctors in assessing harms, benefits of anti-clotting drugs.

Patient Story

‘They make you feel like you’re somebody’

A stroke victim's newfound love of painting helped her reclaim strength and self-confidence.

Stopping statins after stroke may raise risk

Large study serves as warning for survivors who are prescribed cholesterol-lowering meds.