Research & Technology

Modern medical technology has changed our lives and expectations. Learn how the new tools of medicine are working to change the face of health care and improve our lives.

More screen time ups kids’ odds for nearsightedness

Give young eyes a break by encouraging outdoor time and other activities.

Patient Story

‘In God’s hands’

A deer collided into his motorcycle, throwing Ken Pierce to the pavement and breaking his ribs. An innovative 'rib plating' surgery offered a quicker recovery with less pain.

Patient Story

‘A walking, living, breathing miracle’

Candus Jones comes from 'a long line of cast-iron skillet women.' That toughness came in handy as she faced a rare and debilitating condition.

3-drug therapy might be cystic fibrosis ‘breakthrough’

Game-changing approach could open up new options.

Patient Story

‘It got me pretty good’

Four days after a major stroke, a smokehouse owner returns to work.

Patient Story

The surgery you’ve never heard of

Nedene Bearss shares her story about how chronic kidney disease took her by surprise, and how her 'hero' saved her hand with his expertise.

Patient Story

Fighting for her life

A delicate procedure provides new hope for a lung cancer patient.

Patient Story

Battle in the body

Josh Parker beat leukemia a decade ago. Every day since, he battles the aftereffects of treatment with strength, faith and determination.

Doctors use bacteria as weapon against cancer

Clostridium novyi-NT can cause gangrene and sepsis if infection runs amok, but when injected into a tumor, it appears to attack the cancer directly.

Patient Story

She’s one of a kind

Groundbreaking research unravels a mysterious genetic mutation affecting little Marley Berthoud. And offers hope for her future.

Patient Story

‘Like a miracle worker’

Vein treatment was the catalyst for Gordon Nederveld to change his lifestyle and lose 80 pounds.

As earth warms, heat-related deaths multiply

This climate trend could create serious consequences for health in many parts of the world.