
Marie Havenga

Marie Havenga is a veteran journalist of more than 30 years. The Grand Rapids native launched her journalism career at age 15, writing for WorkWeek, a weekly business magazine. She joined the Grand Haven Tribune staff as a columnist and reporter in 2003, after writing for the Grand Rapids Press for more than two decades. A boating and water enthusiast, she lives on the shores of Spring Lake. Havenga has published an environmental children's book and her writing has been featured in several national publications.

Posts from Marie Havenga

Forensic pathology unshrouded

15 fascinating forensic facts you've always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.

‘She’ll be high risk forever’

Lola Deyoung has spent half her life battling leukemia, but her positive spirit serves as her shield and a donor's gift as her sword.

Can lack of Zzzs cause Alzheimer’s disease?

Here's one more reason why we can't underestimate the restorative nature of sleep in terms of brain function and memory.

Cellular combat

Clinical trials showing great promise in graft-versus-host disease treatment.

Patient Story

Grateful to be alive

After more than three decades, Jan Ledinsky's breast cancer metastasized. So did her appreciation for life.

Patient Story

‘They just want to belong’

Ballet class for children with Down syndrome provides mind, body and spirit benefits.

Patient Story

Reshaping Baby Wren’s future

'We couldn't have asked for a better baby. For all that she's been through, she's really sweet with lots of smiles.'

Coming attractions: liquid biopsies

A simple blood test could help doctors fight cancer more effectively by knowing the enemy.

Patient Story

A leg up on the competition

A six-hour surgery and an artificial artery gets Wayne Ver Strate back in the game.

Patient Story

When cancer is part of the equation

GVSU math major Nick Armstrong battles through colon cancer with a positive, 'greater-than' attitude.

Patient Story

‘Just being together is enough’

Tammy and Tony Corona don't let brain injuries or a stroke stand in the way of their love. They've written a love song together.

Patient Story

Cancer at age 10, complications for life

Childhood lymphoma survivor Judy Bode creates documentary to educate world on the late effects of cancer treatment.