Digestive Health & Disorders

Digestion is a fascinating and complex process. Knowing the ins and outs of your digestive system can help you better understand what to eat (and what to avoid) to maintain digestive health, as well as what to do when something goes wrong.

Going vegetarian cuts colon cancer risk?

Healthy eating and behaviors—including exercising and not smoking—work in conjunction to keep the body in tip-top shape.

Want to avoid type 2 diabetes?

Add more whole grains to your diet.

Taming after-school appetites

Have fun, healthy foods ready to eat—and know your child's schedule.

Say no to yo-yo dieting

Say yes to stability skills for weight-loss success in the long term.

Avoid the ‘Freshman 15’

A doctor shares 5 simple tips that can help you keep off the weight for good.

Go vegetarian the easy way

A savvy dietitian offers 6 tips for revamping your victuals.

Healthy dining at convenience stores?

Hard-boiled eggs, small bags of chopped carrots or celery with hummus and a whole apple, orange or banana are good options.

Can sleepless nights trigger weight gain?

Poor Zzzs can change a range of markers in the blood—including blood sugar, hormone levels and various byproducts of metabolism.

Is a health secret hiding in your infant’s diapers?

People with diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disorders and cancers frequently have fewer short-chain fatty acids. Increasing them may be helpful for restoring a normal gut environment.

Patient Story

‘We’re not going to let this define her’

The Klotz family manages daughter Kamryn's cystic fibrosis with grace, trusting medical breakthroughs will escort her through a long and beautiful life.

Celiac disease: Fact or fiction?

The most common genetic disease in Europe is significantly under-diagnosed in the U.S. Here’s what you need to know.

Can eating crickets boost your health?

A bug's life—edible insects are nutritious and often surprisingly delicious.