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Baby’s skin no match for the sun

Shade, clothes and hats offer little ones safe protection.

Researchers learning more about deadly pancreatic cancer

FDA hopes targeted drug research will lead to 'big break.'

Stay sun smart—shun the rays

At the height of the day, seek shade, wear protective clothing and apply lotion that's SPF 30 or higher.

Celebrating Christmas blessings

'I already got my Christmas wish: the gift of life,' says a bone marrow transplant patient.

Ground Zero related to cancer years later

Rescue workers are at increased risk of prostate cancer, thyroid cancer and melanoma.

A boy and his nurse

The friendship between a child and nurse.

I have cancer. Let’s connect

Patients turn to social media to cope with illness and share their personal stories.

Immunotherapy drug for breast cancer?

In experimental trials involving patients with an aggressive form of breast cancer, the drug Keytruda led to improved outcomes.

First-rate skin protectant: Vitamin A

A diet high in certain foods helps keep skin cells healthy, which researchers suspect may ward off squamous cell skin cancer.

A message from below

Erectile dysfunction may be your body's first sign of impending heart problems.

Report: 22M cancer survivors by 2030

There's much to celebrate in the flourishing survivor population, but it also highlights the mounting need to optimize care.

Heart health of 9/11 survivors researched

Study demonstrates a link between cardiovascular health and post-traumatic stress disorder—a common illness among rescuers, volunteers and survivors of the terrorist attack.