Pregnancy & Childbirth

A growing family represents one of the most exciting stages of life. It is also a time that is critical for both mother and developing baby. Learn more about our Family Birthplace, education classes, maternal-fetal specialists and baby-friendly experts.

Ever heard of ‘babywearing’?

Your little one will thank you for learning (and copying) this carrying method.

Patient Story

Easton Hirdes: Boy wonder

His story could be a Hollywood double for the movie, "Wonder." Like the main character in that film, he has overcome the odds and found his place in public school.

Smart steps to reduce SIDS

Breastfeeding isn't just about nutrition and brain development—it may even play a role in developing safe sleep habits.

What’s a birth ball?

Learn the ins and outs of this delivery charm.

Patient Story

Miracle Markle is ‘our hero’

Born at 22 weeks and four days gestation, little Noah is the youngest born survivor to graduate from the NICU.

Preeclampsia? Be proactive

Your obstetrician will keep a close eye on your blood pressure during your pregnancy—but there are other signs you can watch for on your own.

When pregnancy takes its toll

Hip and pelvic pain can sometimes be triggered by the pregnancy-induced hormone relaxin.

New babies—made for the shade

Fresh air and sunshine are great for older kids, but newborns should be kept under cover.

Vitamin D may lower miscarriage risk

Study: Soon-to-be moms and moms alike can dramatically influence the health of their babies by getting an extra dose of the sunshine vitamin.

Back away from the BBQ

Toxins in BBQ fumes known as PAHs may be absorbed through the skin, and could cause lung disease and DNA mutations.

FDA: Teething pain treatments pose health threat

Ditch over-the-counter benzocaine oral health products and opt for the good ol' teething ring.

Patient Story

‘It is such a joy’

Nurse midwives focus on empowering women through pregnancy and childbirth.