

Got a power word for 2021?

Build an inner dialogue that imbues your life with strength, confidence and grace.

Tame anxiety without pills

Gain an edge over your symptoms—and a clue about how to nurture calm naturally.

Parents: Take a breath—and a break

Families need schedules and structure in this at-home period amid COVID-19. But they also need a little leeway.

Keep kids to a sleep routine

A good night of solid rest will make days spent at home all the more tolerable.

Best therapy for college stress? Outdoor time

Spending time in natural spaces—sitting, walking, thinking—goes a long way in improving mood, focus and underlying health.

Yoga, a lasting depression treatment

The trick: You have to commit to it at least twice a week to see results, study finds.

Stressed? Beware the scale

You can't change your body's biological response to stressors, but you can change your behaviors.

4 keys to quality living

Learn to improve your resiliency in the face of adversity—and improve your focus on the here and now.

To reach old age, go new age

Meditation and other mainstays of holistic living lower stress, which can ward off disease and improve the likelihood of a long and healthy life.

That feel-good ingredient

Alongside its central role in the biomechanics of labor and delivery, oxytocin helps strengthen the mother-baby bond.

Lamenting the noisy neighbor

Chronic noise exposure can lead to threefold risk of heart attack, stroke or some other major cardiovascular event.

The curative chorus

Some moms find music leads to less pain and more serenity during pregnancy and childbirth. Should you add tunes to your birth plan?