

Researchers identify more vitiligo genes

Findings suggest promising areas for future study of this condition, which causes patches of white skin and hair.

DNA linked to depression

Finding these genes may point researchers toward novel treatment strategies.

Gut bacteria may hold clues to chronic fatigue syndrome

Intestinal colonies differ in those with this condition, bolstering the notion that the disorder isn't a psychological problem.

Could vegetarian diets alter DNA, raise disease risk?

An expert explains the population genetics behind an intriguing study.

Does your height hinder heart health?

Maybe so. Study reveals that shorter men have higher risk for heart disease, but four risk factors within our control tend to trump height.

New clues to how gene affects women’s body shape

Study found variants determine where body fat is stored, regulation of fat cells.

Mortal combat

Genetics ensure women live longer, but men can narrow the gap.

Does your eye color predict risk of alcoholism?

Study finds genes that determine eye color line up along ones tied to alcohol abuse.

Bad news for those who smell ‘appetizing’

DNA-linked body odor may determine whether you're mosquito bait.

Patient Story

How high is your colorectal cancer risk?

Priscilla Charlesworth, colon cancer survivor, advises lowering risk by making lifestyle changes earlier.