

Feeling angsty about masks or social distancing?

A psychologist delves into our human reactions to COVID-19 health guidelines—and our (often faulty) assessment of risk levels.

9 ways to handle face mask conversations

A behavioral health expert shares her tips for communicating with those who disagree with wearing masks.

The psychology of sleep

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help patients shed bad habits and anxious thoughts that make for sleepless nights.

Set social distance boundaries

A psychologist offers tips for how to handle interactions with family members and friends as society reopens during the pandemic.

Best therapy for college stress? Outdoor time

Spending time in natural spaces—sitting, walking, thinking—goes a long way in improving mood, focus and underlying health.

Is ADHD linked to poverty?

Early childhood trauma can change the brain and genes—putting lower-income children at extraordinary risk.

My child won’t talk to me. Now what?

Child psychology experts address the top 5 stressors for young people today—and how we can help.

8 ways to keep your sanity this season

A psychotherapist shares tips for how to bring the joy back to holiday gatherings.

Feeling glum? Just embrace it

Studies show you shouldn't browbeat yourself for your blue mood. Acknowledge and accept it—and then move on.

Are you a worrywart?

Worrying serves a purpose at times, but only to a point. Seek help if it becomes a level of anxiety that causes emotional distress or physical ailments.

Want happiness? Spread kindness

Your kindergarten teacher had it right—if you want to bring cheer and goodness into your life, you should first deliver the joy to others.

Let go of your grudge

Hanging onto bitterness does nothing to settle up with those who have wronged you—and at day's end, it'll lead to anxiety and depression.