Women's Health

A woman’s life stages can arrive with profound physical and emotional changes. We’ll take you through every stage, offering advice, expertise and understanding.

Make exercise fun again

Consider bite-size chunks of activities for the whole family—relay races, hula hoops, Frisbee or obstacle courses.

Patient Story

Reclaiming her spark

Menopause stripped away Judy Pellerito’s joy, but with hormone therapy, she has a new song to sing.

5 strength-training mistakes to avoid

The ultimate benefit is greater independence throughout your life.

U.S. birth rate drops

Trend is seen in industrialized countries around the world.

Patient Story

The little fighter

Ollie Lott beats the odds against a life-threatening condition with help from a surgery performed while he was still in the womb.

HPV vaccine approved for people through age 45

The updated vaccine is designed to prevent cancers and disease caused by nine HPV types.

Patient Story

‘One person can really make a difference’

It seemed like the perfect day for a run. It ended with an off-duty nurse saving a jogger’s life.

Today’s go-go world too much for too many hearts

Our fast-paced, 'always-on' world causes increased psycho-social stress and, possibly, an increase in the likelihood of sudden cardiac arrest.

Patient Story

‘Only 2 percent survive’

After Turner Syndrome stunted her growth throughout childhood, Grace Ward is finally seeing possibilities open for her.

Think you’re eating gluten-free? Probably not

Study: One-third of 'gluten-free' restaurant foods in U.S. still have trace amounts of gluten.

Lose excess pounds, lower breast cancer risk?

Women who lost 5 percent or more of their body weight had a 12 percent lower breast cancer risk.

Patient Story

Fighting for her life

A delicate procedure provides new hope for a lung cancer patient.