
February 2015

‘Superagers’ seem to have ‘younger’ brains

Their sharp memories at 80 and beyond may provide clues for treating dementia.

U.S. teens get less sleep than ever

Researchers find more adolescents today are short on shut-eye than in the 1990s. Early morning school bells and electronics may be to blame.

What’s worse – the cure or the disease?

Antibiotics may impact the development of more disease types than previously believed.

Graphic images on cigarette labels affect smokers’ brains

Emotional pictures are more memorable and reduce urge to smoke, researchers find.

Year of Transformation winner to be revealed at Day of Dance

In January 2014, Nicole Smith was chosen to be a leader of wellness in Newaygo County as Tamarac’s Year of Transformation winner.

Dentists offer tips to keep kiddos cavity-free

Don't let misinformation rot your children's teeth. Get the facts.

Patient Story

Heart surgery at just 6 days old

Norah Mae Boss now has beautiful pink fingers and toes. Find out what this has meant for her and her parents.

Hot flashes for seven years?

More than half of women suffer for at least that long. Study suggests need for better ways to treat menopause symptoms.

‘Mindfulness’ may help ease sleep problems for seniors

Study finds that mind over matter works – at least as far as sleep is concerned.

Happy Hatter program delivers for kids with cancer

Children and teens scored hats, lots of hats.

Patient Story

Inactivity a major danger with blood clots

Traveling to a sunny location? Sitting at your desk all day long? Do some leg pumps and listen up because deep vein thrombosis could affect you.

Nighttime leg cramps peak in summer

Study findings could lead to changes in treatment for this nocturnal ailment.