
August 2015

Patient Story

Cancer: A life-changing diagnosis

'I needed to prove to myself this was not going to stop me.'

Don’t skip blood sugar checks

People with type 2 diabetes benefit from twice-daily monitoring.

Avoid this summer’s enterovirus

Young people are most at risk for infection. Find out what to look for and what to do if it strikes you.

Does meat intake influence fertility?

Couples undergoing IVF treatments fare worse if the male's consumption of processed meats is high.

Patient Story

‘God knit her together’

Little Vivvy blossoms after flying halfway around the world to get life-changing cleft palate and lip surgery.

What’s good for the heart is also good for the brain

Study finds risk of dementia may drop with each generation as heart health and healthy lifestyles improve.

Helping the heart heal itself

This is where the stuff of science fiction meets science reality.

Coffee linked to healthier brains

The caffeine in your cup of Joe just might impact your long-term neurological health.

1 in 5 U.S. adults has a physical or mental disability

CDC reports also indicate race, poverty and less education are linked to increased odds of having a disability.

Aging with grace

Older Americans are prepared for aging, but show concern for physical and mental challenges.

Reuniting patients past and present

A mix of laughter, joy and pain runs deep with more than 500 in attendance.

Patient Story

‘A miraculous response’

Don Hendrickson shares how he beat the odds with a targeted strike that kicked his kidney cancer to the curb.