
September 2015

Is ‘do nothing’ weight loss in our future?

Researchers discover a way to turn bad fat cells good, but expert says the magic pill is still a ways off.

Patient Story

Organ donation inspires ArtPrize entry

A kidney donation at age 2 saves artist's life, encourages him to spread the word.

Patient Story

Exercise and healthy eating = feeling better

Local Latinos are beating the odds against heart disease and diabetes with the help of Programa Puente.

Control type 2 diabetes to prevent dementia

Poor blood sugar control increases risk of brain troubles.

Art that heals

Art and strong architecture help make healing places healing spaces.

ADHD or autism?

ADHD could mask autism in young kids and lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment.

Pregnant and stressed? Relax

Today's calm will benefit you and your child for the rest of your lives.

Patient Story

Born at less than 3 pounds, doctors help el pequeño

“He is like a stunted flower,” baby Scott Phillip's dad says, “but as soon as he catches up …”

Can eating fish keep depression at bay?

Omega-3 fatty acids and other goodies in seafood may make your outlook sunnier.

Prescription drugs out of a vending machine?

Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital unveils an on-site system for dispensing prescription medications as soon as a doctor prescribes them.

Patient Story

Hearts, minds and immunity

Medical minds know that vaccinations are critical in keeping children healthy. Can they convince doubting parents?

Peer pressure may have silver lining

Teens with close friends are more likely to be in good health by age 27.