Cancer Care

Find information and inspiration here. Many people will face some type of cancer during their lifetime. And today, more of them than ever before are becoming survivors. Learn about the latest cancer treatments, technologies, research advancements and supportive care.

Patient Story

‘We’re carrying on Eric’s legacy’

He died of a rare bone cancer in 2016, but continues to make a difference through a tissue donation that is helping researchers battle osteosarcoma.

Patient Story

‘This is an epidemic’

A painless lump on his neck turned out to be HPV-related throat cancer, a disease affecting a growing number of people.

Report: 22M cancer survivors by 2030

There's much to celebrate in the flourishing survivor population, but it also highlights the mounting need to optimize care.

Patient Story

The fight of her life

After successfully battling breast cancer and living with lymphedema, Pam Goodfellow now works to strengthen others engaged in the battle.

Cancer-induced menopause?

Regain control of your body with these 7 essential elements for daily success.

Young adults see rise in colon cancer

The sizable jump in cases among age 50 and younger is a worldwide trend arising partly from poor diet.

Patient Story

‘A big community hug’

Hundreds gather to support racers, walkers and cancer care.

Patient Story

‘They only gave me 6 to 9 months’

When stomachaches turned out to be the worst form of pancreatic cancer, Tricia Johnson found hope in a targeted clinical trial treatment.

Top 10 food ingredients to avoid

Some on the list might surprise you.

Patient Story

4 before 40

Jeremy VerVeer suffered his first heart attack at age 25. He then survived three more by age 38.

Patient Story

‘You always think it won’t be you’

A man’s lifetime risk of getting breast cancer is 1:833. Meet the one.

Research links HPV to heart disease

Mounting evidence indicates the most common sexually transmitted virus is likely tied to a higher risk of stroke and heart problems.