Men's Health

While women’s health often commands the spotlight, male-specific health issues deserve equal attention. Increase your understanding of risks, symptoms and conditions, and how to treat them.

PSA on the PSA

Public Service Announcement on the Prostate-Specific Antigen test: 'Don’t give up—smarten up.'

6 steps to a better mindset

Thoughts awhirl with worry? Try these creative strategies to help you find the bright side of life.

Patient Story

‘Do the right thing’

For more than two years after a live-saving heart surgery, a Michigan cattle farmer enjoyed life to the fullest.

Attack of the dad bod

If the world is warming to that chubby, cuddly look, is that such a bad thing? Not if you've improved from yesteryear.

Patient Story

‘I will make this work’

Nothing can keep Bill Little down—not even severe burns that claimed much of his right hand.

Patient Story

‘I’m doing better’

After a stroke left him unable to speak, a Michigan business leader has found new hope with speech therapy.

Top 10 ways to reduce COVID-19 risk

As the number of cases and hospitalizations rise, infectious disease specialists offer advice on ways to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Patient Story

A ‘simply jaw-dropping’ injury

Extensive surgery following a terrible crash has given nursing student Ryan Brown a unique perspective on the patient experience.

It’s a fall thing: Time for flu shots

A vaccine today boosts your odds of staying healthy in the chilly months ahead.

Patient Story

‘It just kind of hit me’

With help from a registered dietitian, Steve Chappell dropped from 222 pounds to 175 pounds—and he plans on staying there.

‘They stepped up to the plate’

Health care providers rely on teamwork, skills and compassion as they treat and comfort patients with COVID-19.

Patient Story

Mending a heart

Born with a complex heart defect, Andrew Christensen grew up wondering what kind of future awaited him. Thirty years later, he has plans.