
The essence of who you are begins in the brain. Together with the spinal cord and miles of nerves, the central nervous system directs our every thought, sensation and action. Get connected and learn about amazing advances in neurosciences.

A new approach to glioblastoma?

More aggressive surgeries that target the tumor and its surrounding tissues could improve survival period.

Could a pet dog boost brain health?

Children who grow up in pup-friendly homes might face lower risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.

Trouble in the wonder years?

Your middle schooler might be showing classic signs of anxiety—and if you're not paying attention, you could miss them.

Brain scans may predict mental health

Identifying biomarkers at a young age could promote therapies that treat symptoms of psychiatric illness.

Patient Story

‘I feel alive’

Little Naomi Gomez battled leukemia. Then a stroke. Now she's back to living life.

Do early interactions shape smarts?

Your intellect and behavioral tendencies may depend in part on the amount of affection you experienced as a kid.

Patient Story

Life with Luke

Doctors said baby Luke Worley was 12 hours from death. Today, he's a thriving, striving 6-year-old enjoying life.

Patient Story

Taking the next step

Spinal problems and an infection threatened Ralph Logerwell's ability to walk. Surgery, rehab and some high-tech gadgetry helped him get back on his feet.

Tobacco and vaping? Double the trouble

As if they're not bad enough on their own, dual use of these pernicious products could vastly up your risk of stroke.

The danger of a sleepless night

Lack of sleep may prevent the brain from purging tau protein, which forms lingering tangles linked to Alzheimer's.

My child won’t talk to me. Now what?

Child psychology experts address the top 5 stressors for young people today—and how we can help.

CDC: Mercury-laden skin cream a risk

A dermatology product from Mexico has led to the first known case of methylmercury poisoning in half a century.