
The essence of who you are begins in the brain. Together with the spinal cord and miles of nerves, the central nervous system directs our every thought, sensation and action. Get connected and learn about amazing advances in neurosciences.

Patient Story

Lightening a heavy load

After undergoing a rare double-surgery to eliminate a blockage and restore blood flow, Marvin Lafountain is eager to resume his old life—minus the smoking habit.

Patient Story

Your top stories of 2019

Get your daily dose of inspiration by exploring our most extraordinary stories of survival, miracles and medical innovation.

Patient Story

‘You need to stay happy’

For Hope Gonyon, a 9-year-old who has spina bifida, surgery gives a boost in independence.

Brave the year-end deadlines

Keep perspective and don't let unending demands determine your value as a person.

Patient Story

‘My December miracle’

A 21-year-old college student battles back from a stroke and returns to the hospital a year later to thank the team who saved her life.

Patient Story

‘A better version of himself’

For a preschooler with autism, play-based speech therapy challenges him to use language in a natural context.

Patient Story

‘And so I kept living’

Sara Riemersma overdosed on pain medication. Spectrum Health saved her life. As a paramedic, she's now paying it forward, saving other lives.

New life for an old drug

Migraine study finds high doses of aspirin can effectively treat symptoms—an affordable option for those who lack access to costlier medicine.

Live and age better with others

Good relationships don’t just protect our bodies but also our brains. The people most satisfied in their relationships at age 50 are the healthiest at age 80.

Neurological disorder? Consider a virtual visit

Remote video conferencing with a doctor may be a particularly effective and affordable option.

Patient Story

‘I managed to dodge a big, big bullet’

In defeating Guillain-Barré syndrome, a drywall finisher reclaims his good health—and recovers a long-absent sense of smell.

New tool emerges in migraine battle

An innovative medicine aims to relieve symptoms in people who saw no effect—or ill effects—with past treatments.