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Battle the wintertime blues with the right food

Include the "sunshine vitamin" in your meal plans to keep happy all season long.

Make sense of highfalutin’ diets

Diets high in protein can help with rapid weight loss, but they aren't sustainable plans—and they might be dangerous.

Study: Sugary drinks shrink brains

Multiple sweet beverages per day may lead to significant memory loss—but there are ways to keep your brain safe.

Estudio: Las bebidas endulzadas encojen el cerebro

El consumo diario de múltiples bebidas endulzadas puede provocar significante perdida de la memoria—no obstante, hay maneras de mantener seguro al cerebro.

As easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

This list of "do's and don'ts" can lead to improved health—but you don't need to tackle them all at once. Small steps reap big rewards.

Resolve to eat better: 8 tips to make it work

A dietitian dishes on ways to keep your New Year’s resolution going strong all year.

Why avocados are magical

New study claims the green fruit is a 'bad cholesterol' buster.

Battling arthritis? You can do ‘amazing’ things

Slimming down with the right diet and simple exercises can help people kick pain.

Americans consuming fewer calories

Report finds we've definitely scaled back on those sugary soft drinks, but we could still use more fruits and vegetables.

Pack your food and go with these 6 safety tips

Don't risk your health by playing 'culinary Russian roulette' this summer.

The skinny on fats

The saturated variety—found mostly in animal foods such as red meat, full-fat dairy, butter and lard—should be avoided.

Do you get enough vitamin D?

If you live in the mitten state, probably not. What can you do to get the full benefits of the sunshine vitamin?