

Let’s talk about the guys

Changes in diet and fitness can help the men in our lives avoid heart attack, stroke, cancer and erectile dysfunction.

9 out of 10 strokes could be prevented

High blood pressure is the most important controllable risk factor.

‘Sunshine vitamin’ lowers MS risk

We've long known vitamin D can calm the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Evidence shows it may help prevent it, too.

Are you under pressure?

If so, you might want to seriously consider lifestyle changes to reduce your blood pressure ... and live longer.

An ounce of prevention goes a long way

Make changes now to prevent issues later.

Patient Story

Scared of skin cancer?

Don’t put off getting your moles checked, cautions Audra Brummel, a 27-year-old melanoma patient.

Don’t forget the sunscreen … and the triple latte

Drink up! Scientists find coffee drinkers have lower risk for melanoma.

Cancer risk often left to chance

New study suggests two-thirds of cancers might be due to seemingly random factors.