

Patient Story

‘I got my life back’

Successful treatment for an irregular heartbeat inspired Terry Riggs to start running—and he doesn't plan to stop.

Cheap tape keeps the blisters away

Researchers find an easy, effective solution to a perennial problem for runners' feet.

Running with dad

Father-daughter duo aims to compete in the Wheatlake Festival of Races every year.

Patient Story

Couch to 5K: You can do it

The best way to begin exercising? Tell somebody your goals.

Recovery from ultramarathon may take up to 5 days

Elite runners need to give themselves time to bounce back.

Stretching: Dynamic versus static

Athletes should adjust their pre- and post-workout stretches to accommodate colder weather.

How running impacts joints

Cartilage between knee, ankle and foot joints has ability to regenerate.

Patient Story

Becoming Liz

How bariatric surgery, running and dieting helped a young woman lose weight and find herself.

Walking or running: Does size matter?

Get off the couch and lace up your tennis shoes because you don't need to be a 'skinny-Minnie' to run.

Running for a reason

Jim Trout runs 163 miles across Michigan to help keep kids safe and healthy.

Do you GU? If you’re a runner, maybe you should

A sports gel with the consistency of frosting has become the go-to supplement for marathon runners, athletes and weekend warriors.

Walking the talk—for 25,000 miles

Primary care doctors outfit their team with wristband fitness trackers and issue a group challenge: walk around the world in 2015.