
Spectrum Health

There’s nowhere to hide from brain injuries

7 things caregivers and friends need to know, from a doctor's perspective.

Patient Story

‘Fortunate to be here’

Doug Barense's heart would only quiver after surgery—until a doctor's hands massaged a beat back into it.

Patient Story

Creating a new life canvas

After a car crash and traumatic brain injury, Brenda Bristol learns to communicate anew through art.

‘A win for everyone’

Emergency department doctor partners with innovative team to bring his time-saving charting idea to fruition.

Mom: HPV vaccination ‘a no-brainer’

Despite social stigma, the vaccine has proven effective in fighting the virus and cervical cancer.

Patient Story

An afternoon of bright smiles

Past and present cleft palate and craniofacial surgery patients spent a fun-filled afternoon connecting with each other.

Patient Story

‘Make our days brighter’

More than 100 pediatric patients, family members and staff reconnect during the 25th hematology-oncology annual picnic.

Patient Story

‘I’m very thankful for this opportunity’

Ms. Wheelchair America contestants, who sometimes have difficulty finding chair-friendly imaging machines, rolled in for mammograms.

Patient Story

‘Mighty boy’ defies the odds

Atlanta doctors told Elijah's family he had days to live. They refused to accept this and found hope 800 miles away.

Patient Story

A bunny and a chinchilla try to charm kids with their soft fur …

... and it worked.

Patient Story

‘That’s what keeps me going’

91-year-old Morrie Boogaart weaves hats for the homeless while in hospice care.

Patient Story

‘I can’t spend too much time worrying’

Assistant principal learns to live with the unknowns: 'Honestly, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. None of us are guaranteed tonight.'