Aging Well

Aging well is a lifestyle choice we all must make as our bodies grow older. We’ll help you navigate your holistic health care journey with tips, suggestions, age-specific information and health news stories that matter to you.

Staying mobile: Move it or lose it

Explore these 5 top tips for how to best use exercise as medicine for nearly all that ills you.

Teen angst—a portent for dementia?

Analysis of '60s-era data suggests a teen's demeanor could influence brain health in later years.

Patient Story

‘They caught it early’

A first-in-the-U.S. biopsy that combined three leading-edge technologies identifies stage 1 lung cancer, which makes all the difference for 81-year-old Mac Brown.

Are your knees talking to you?

New technology that listens to creaking joints could soon help doctors diagnose osteoarthritis.

‘Nobody can do it all’

Tips for the generation sandwiched between raising kids and caring for their aging parents

Patient Story

A red flag

Chris Groenheide knew she couldn't dismiss an irregular cycle as the beginning stage of menopause. A series of tests led to a troubling diagnosis: cancer.

Time to look at your telltale gait?

How fast you walk might offer hints at how fast your body is aging.

The growing melanoma risk

The incidence of deadly melanoma on the head and neck has risen steadily in young adults and children.

Study: Eat healthy, be happy

Those who embrace healthier food choices are likely to experience less anxiety and better moods.

Marriage—a life-extender?

It's true: Married people live longer than those who are divorced, widowed or never married.

Patient Story

Bringing back the bounce

Ever since her teenage years, Samantha Searl had accepted knee pain as part of life. Not until age 48 did she discover she didn't have to live that way.

Patient Story

‘Our only salvation’

A lung transplant saved his life. Now, he is determined to make the most of his second chance.