

Low-fat diet—a tool in breast cancer fight?

Study shows women who focused on nutrition reduced their risk of breast cancer death by 21%.

Shun processed, shed pounds

Study adds further evidence to what dietitians have said all along—a glut of packaged goods will only serve to pack on the pounds.

Dried and true

Want healthier chips that are light on salt, loaded with taste? A food dehydrator is your answer.

The puzzling art of protein

Piece together a suitable meal plan that works for your needs.

Make room for legumes

The lentil, in particular, provides a mighty dose of protein and minerals.

CDC: Hepatitis A infections soaring

Drug abuse and homelessness create conditions that led to a jump in cases.

Subtract the additive

Propionate, a common additive in breads and baked goods, may trigger a metabolic response linked to obesity and diabetes.

Noodle your veggies

Turn carrots, zucchini and other low-calorie, high-fiber garden treats into the perfect pasta dishes.

Meat matters

Want to trim down on saturated fat, but still gain protein and nutrients? Develop an eye for leaner cuts and grass-fed varieties.

The long game

Weight-loss surgery is a game changer for many, but diet and lifestyle are the major factors in long-term success.

The optimal oil

Extra virgin olive oil should enjoy a top spot in your recipe—it's tastier, it's healthier and it wards off disease.

Build a cholesterol-busting diet

DNA will always have a say, but don't underestimate the healing power of healthy food.